
May for Teachers

May for teachers is a bitter-sweet time of year.  We are anxiously awaiting the end of the school year so that we can get started with summer.  We are also saying goodbye to a group of students who have been with us for nine or so months.  Students who have grown academically (we dearly hope), physically, and emotionally (again, we dearly hope).

In my early years of teaching, I would write a year-end letter that I would give to my students on their last day with me.  As technology progressed, my year-end letter became a DVD slide show set to music.  The last few years a movie-maker wrap up of our year together.  I wanted to show them how much I enjoyed spending the year with them as well as the body of work they had accomplished and been exposed to throughout the year.  And, it was my way of saying goodbye without having to tear up and say “goodbye”.

Throughout my teaching career, I taught 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.  For my last eight years, it was 12th grade only. There is more finality with the goodbyes for seniors.  Sophomores and juniors you could see the next year in the hall or when they stopped by to see you, but seniors went off to college or work. There were a few that would come back that first year after they graduated to see their high school teachers, to say hello, to let you know how they were doing, but mostly, they went on their way and began their adult lives.  As it should be.

I am in my second year of not teaching, but I still get nostalgic and reminiscent this time of year.  I see my teacher friends posting on Facebook and Instagram photos of them with their students. Acknowledging their students’ accomplishments, hugging them goodbye, and wishing them all the best.  My reminiscing will probably wane as the years go by, but I’m pretty sure that each August and May, I will think of the days when a teacher starts with a group of kids, works with them throughout the year, and says goodbye to them at the end of the year.  

I wish my teacher friends a happy summer.  August will be here before you know it, so enjoy.